Texas Standard Teacher Certificate
Wherever you go, let your faith lead.
At The Texas Institute for Teacher Education, our faith-based approach means that you'll experience education that extends beyond the classroom. Our programs are designed to foster a strong foundation of values, ethics, and principles that guide both your personal and professional life. You'll be part of a community that supports your professional growth and encourages you to make a positive impact in the classroom.
Affordability Without Compromise
Our commitment to affordability does not compromise the quality of education you'll receive. Our experienced faculty members provide engaging and rigorous instruction, ensuring that you're well-prepared to excel in your classroom. You'll benefit from a comprehensive curriculum that integrates faith-based education with academic excellence.
Join Our Faith-Centered Community
At The Texas Institute for Teacher Education, you'll become part of a community that shares your values and aspirations. Whether you're seeking a faith-based education or simply a supportive and inclusive learning environment, you'll find it here. Our commitment to nurturing your professional and spiritual growth is at the heart of everything we do.
Plan Your Certification Journey Today
Embark on an educational journey that embraces both your faith and your financial reality. We offer you the opportunity to receive an exceptional education that is affordable and accessible. Take the first step toward your future by exploring our certification programs and connecting with us to learn more.
Simple Tuition & Fees
Admission Application
$99 monthly
while enrolled in
Pre-Teaching Program
$369 monthly
while employed as an Intern or Probationary
Total Program Tuition
This varies depending on how quickly you complete the program.
Fast progress means tuition savings!
Tuition is remitted in monthly payments of $99 while enrolled in
the Pre-Teaching Program.
Once hired as an Intern/Probationary Teacher and enrolled in the Professional Internship Program, tuition is remitted in monthly payments of $369.
For Candidates enrolled in the 14-week Clinical program, tuition is paid in monthly installments of $369. Once you are prepared to earn your standard certification, the remaining tuition balance must be paid in full before you can be recommended for certification.​
*Monthly internship payments cease once the candidate is recommended for the
Texas Standard Teacher Certificate.
The internship length is one full school year per TEA regulations.
TEA TExES Content and Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) Examination Fees: $116 (Submitted directly to Pearson Education)
TEA Certification Fees: $78
TEA Fingerprinting Fee: $52.20
TXITE Out of District Fee: Internships outside a 35 mile radius of our Dallas office incur an additional fee of $500.00.
TXITE TExES Exam Request Fee: $35 for each exam
TXITE Monthly Technology Fee: $10
TXITE Proctoring Fee: $31
TXITE Certification Change Request Fee: $35
TXITE Transfer Credit Evaluation Fee: $35
Financial Resources for Teacher Training
The following programs and grants are designed to help you
become a certified teacher.
Troops to Teachers offers guidance and support for military veterans to make the transition from active duty into teaching.
Teacher Loan Forgiveness - The Taxpayer-Teacher Protection Act authorizes up to $17,500 in loan forgiveness for eligible teachers.
Military Benefits for Test Fees
The Texas Workforce Commission has approved the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) to allow veterans and other eligible persons to receive reimbursement for the cost of certification tests. This approval has been made effective, retroactively, as of March 1, 2001. The veteran or other eligible person must submit two forms to the Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Regional Office, in Muskogee, OK.
Application for Licensing and Certification Testing Fee Reimbursement
VA Form 22-1990- Application for VA Education Benefits (for Veterans) or VA Form 22-5490- Application for Survivor's and Dependents Educational Assistance
To obtain these forms and further information contact the Texas Workforce Commission Veterans Education office at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, (512) 463-3168.
For Our Military Community
Effective September 1, 2015 the TEA will waive certain fees for eligible military service members, military veterans, and military spouses.
Fee Exemption Requirements
Set up your educator account if you have not already done so. Before completing an application, you must submit your military exemption request.
Securely upload the following documents for review:
A written request for the exemption, including your TEA ID or the last four digits of your social security number
Current email address and daytime phone number
Active duty service members – military ID (front and back) and current state ID
Veterans – Current state ID and DD-214 (member-4) that shows release or separation from active duty was under honorable conditions
Military spouses of active duty service members – spouse's current state and military ID (front and back), active duty service member’s current state and military ID (front and back), and a copy of the marriage license. Military spouses of active duty members are exempt from the following application fees:
Review of Credentials
One-Year Certificate
Standard certificates for subject areas approved in your review of credentials
$11 of the registration fee for certification examinations administered by Pearson and approved as part of the review of credentials
Test-Limit Waiver for examinations approved in your review of credentials
After the military documents have been reviewed, you will be notified by email with instructions.
If you are unable to upload your documents, mail them to:
Texas Education Agency
Division of Educator Certification
1701 N. Congress Ave., WBT 5-100
Austin, Texas 78701
Fees Waived
Fees that are waived for active duty service members and veterans:
Educational Aide certificate
Intern certificate
Probationary certificate
Standard certificate requiring completion of an educator preparation program
Review of credentials
One-Year certificate
Standard certificates for subject areas approved in a review of credentials
$11 of the registration fee for certification examinations administered by Pearson, this does not include registration fees for tests taken for certification by exam only
Test-Limit Waiver (this does not include waivers for tests taken for certification by exam only)
Fees Not Waived
Fees that are not waived for eligible members of the military community:
Fingerprint fee
Preliminary criminal history evaluation fees
Renewal fees including late and reactivation fees
Reinstatement fees
Certificates earned through exam only
Registration fees for tests taken for certification by exam only
Registration fees for certification examinations administrated by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
Test-Limit Waiver for tests taken for certification by examination
Full Refund for Early Cancellation: Students may cancel their enrollment
within five calendar days of registering for a course and receive a full refund of
any payments made.
Refunds for Active Enrollment: Refunds after the initial five-day period are
calculated based on the percentage of coursework completed during the
billing month:
No coursework completed: Full refund for that month.
Up to 10% of coursework completed: 90% refund.
11%-25% completed: 75% refund.
26%-50% completed: 50% refund.
More than 50% completed: No refund for that month.
Inactivity Policy: If a student does not complete any coursework for six
consecutive months, they will be administratively withdrawn from the
program. Refunds will not be issued for any months of inactivity. Students
wishing to re-enroll must submit a new application and pay any applicable
Refund Processing: Refunds are processed within 30 days of receiving a formal
cancellation request.
Clear Disclosure: This refund policy is provided in the enrollment agreement
and other related materials, along with examples to ensure clarity and
You can pay your tuition fees online with confidence. We use a leading payment gateway, to offer safe and secure credit card and electronic check transactions for our teacher candidates. The Payment Gateway manages the complex routing of sensitive customer information through the credit card and electronic check processing networks.
The company adheres to strict industry standards for payment processing, including:
128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology for secure Internet Protocol (IP) transactions.
Industry leading encryption hardware and software methods and security protocols to protect customer information.
Compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard.